Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans – SUMPs

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans – SUMPs

Healthy environment requires changes and actions in all sectors, one of them is transport. To tackle pressure from cities and increasing urban development, and improve overall quality of life, the European Commission strongly recommends that European towns and cities of all sizes should embrace its concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).  The SUMP foresee cooperation across different policy areas, across different levels of government, and with local residents and other principal stakeholders, to ensure variety of sustainable transport options for the safe, healthy and fluid passage of people and goods, with all due consideration for fellow residents and the urban environment.

Eight principles of sustainable urban mobility (Plan for sustainable mobility in the entire ‘functional urban area’; Cooperate across institutional boundaries; Involve citizens and stakeholders; Assess current and future performance; Define a long-tern vision and a clear implementation plan; Develop all transport modes in an integrated manner; Arrange for monitoring and evaluation; and Assure quality) planning are nicely visualised in the new CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project (one of the three projects related to sustainable urban mobility plans under the European Union’s CIVITAS 2020 initiative) poster.

Read more and follow on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), its concept and guidelines on EC, Eltis web site – The Urban Mobility Observatory and CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project web site.
