Environment and Natural Resource Management

Environmental and Natural Resource Management

The aim of the activities of REC Montenegro of this strategic theme is to pursue and contribute to managing and sustaining natural resources and eco-systems, respecting sustainability principles. Reversing the effects of environmental degradation and sustainability challenges requires sound management and the sustainable utilisation of natural resources.  The use and conservation of natural resources such as water, flora and fauna, land and coastal area directly affects Montenegro’s developmental branches and industries, from agriculture, forestry, fishing and tourism. With appropriate actions the goal of REC Montenegro is to initialise and support all relevant actors in pursing sustainable development through strengthening the resilience and sustainable management of resources and biologically significant national and trans-boundary ecosystems, supporting adaptive capacities and resilience to the negative impacts of Climate Change, contributing to harmonisation of standards with EU and international best practices,  assisting development and enforcement of regulation on pollution control, waste management and strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction management.

The Environmental and Natural Resources Management main action highlights are following:

  • Natural Resource Management
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
  • Pollution and Waste Management
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • EU and Multilateral Environmental Agreements