Strategic Themes

Environmental and Natural Resource Management

Environmental and Natural Resource Management

The aim of the activities of REC Montenegro of this strategic theme is to pursue and contribute to managing and sustaining natural resources and eco-systems…
Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Environmental management and environmental decision-making influence humans and environment in a complex ways, and thus has changed in recent …
Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development

REC Montenegro aim is to contribute and support the UNESCO’s Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development (ESD) and UNECE’s ESD Strategy, and facilitates…
Environmental Information

Environmental Information

REC Montenegro aims to act as environmental information sharing platform for different national and regional actors in the field of sustainable development…
Green Economy

Green Economy

Today, the world economy, bounded by environmental and climate changes crisis, is shifting to contain the loss of natural resources and ecosystem services and enable people…

Through Collaboration We Make a Difference

Environmental protection and achieving sustainable development need today, more than ever, collaboration of all sectors and all actors on all levels – an Earth Collaboration Platform. Environmental and other stakeholders need to identify interdependencies and synergies, to reach understanding and compromises among stakeholder differences, in order to allow Planet to provide for quality of life that meeting human needs. The collaboration shapes new relationships…


Green Deal call

Green Deal call

The European Commission created the financial mechanism (Green Deal call ) for the implementation of the new Green Deal. The new Call (Green Deal call)


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